DISCLAIMER: I don't speak (or write) a very good English , hence please don't get annoyed if there are errors in the post. Or do, I don't care anymore
I just established a new record, one month and ten-ish day after the last blog entry.
In my defense, the dissertation is taking so much time from me since I have to proofread almost every single phrase at least a couple of time since I can be very... artsy in my writing. Excuses aside, I guess this will be probably the last or the second last blog entry regarding the Honours project, given that there are only 20 day between me and the submission date.
Anyway, let's talk about my progress on the project.
First of all, the migration from the subtitle widget to the proper separate widget was successful, with no malfunction or anything.
As I briefly said in the previous blog entry, there were a couple of small issues in the previous version, which are now all resolved in this one.
Below is the screenshot of the improved function
I also changed the way the function is called, instead of relying on the Event tick, the various events are called every quarter of a second, except of the arrows on the screen, which is "refreshed" every 0.05 second otherwise with a higher refresh number, the arrow would appear to be slow and sluggish, which is the opposite of what I want to achieve. (to those that don't know, the event tick calls the function every single time a frame is drawn, so in my case 144 times every second)
below the final video demonstrating the directional sound indicator
Thanks to the migration and the optimization in the "code", there has been a increment of 64% in fps from when the system was inside the wrong widget.
Overall I am satisfied with this function and how it performs at the moment.
It is finally done
Controller support, even the most basic support is something that my prototype must have.
Luckily Unreal Engine already support natively the majority of game-pads in circulation. although it sounds too good to be true, this support is extended to the common buttons that every controller has, leaving out the special buttons or proprietary features to each controller, for example the touchpad for the dual-shock et similia.
The video below is the controller support as is in Unreal, with a simple yet illegible dotted outline.
Instead of relying on the system that Unreal uses, I decided to try and create a system that would work for the controller, with the aim to have two different menu, one for when the input is from keyboard and mouse, and the other when the input is from the game-pad.
Below is a quick mock up demonstrating how it would work.
to be honest I don't know if I have the time to fully develop this widget and the other widget but hopefully I can do it in time
it doesn't work as well as I'd like, but it's something